MDSolids 3.5.0
Hai sobat KaosKusut... ne KaosKusut kasih software buat anak Teknik, khususnya T.Mesin n T.Sipil...
mempunyai feature untuk menganalisa:
Truss, Indeterminate, Axial, Torsion, Beams, Flexure, Section Properties, Columns, Mohr's Circle, dan General
dan ada Animated Games and Learning Tools,
Sixteen games and learning tools for topics such as:
* Shear force and bending moment diagrams
* Section properties (centroids, moment of inertia, Q)
* Stress transformation equations
* Mohr's circle stress transformations
* Mohr's circle strain transformations
Download MDSolids 3.5.0
Spoiler for CRACK:
user name : BEANpass word : 55DEA82F